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is a conversation
on the intersection
of culture and
November 17, 7-10PM
YouTube Space LA
Person assembling puzzle Person hugging pillar
“Ideas improve. The meaning of words plays a role in that improvement. Plagiarism is necessary. Progress depends on it. It sticks close to an author’s phrasing, exploits his expressions, deletes a false ideas, replaces it with the right one.” - Guy Debord’s The Society of the Spectacle (Paris, 1967)
Nov 17th
Krisztina 'Z'

Peter can be found in the shaded intersection of a Venn diagram that includes media philosophy, interactive technologies, art and design theory, and the digital humanities. He is a professor in the Design Media Arts department at UCLA, and core faculty in the Digital Humanities program.

His books include The Secret War Between Downloading and Uploading, winner of the 2013 Dorothy Lee Prize, Digital_Humanities (co-authored with Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Todd Presner, and Jeffrey Schnapp), USER: InfoTechnoDemo, Snap to Grid and The Digital Dialectic (all from MIT Press).

He’s working on a connectionist cultural history of Los Angeles, which gives him license to surf, listen to X’s first album over and over, trace Ed Ruscha’s calligraphy, hunt ghosts in the Bradbury Building, and watch as many movies as he wants late into the night.

Krisztina ‘Z’ Holly (@krisztinaholly) is an MIT-trained engineer, entrepreneur, and innovation expert. She is best known as the creator of the first TEDx, which has since spawned more than 10,000 events globally to date, and the founding executive director of two university innovation centers – the MIT Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation and the USC Stevens Center for Innovation. Early in her career she was a researcher at the MIT Media Lab, co-founder of computer telephony pioneer Stylus Innovation (acquired by Artisoft), and a key member of several other software and media startups. Earlier this summer she was tapped by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti as inaugural Entrepreneur-in-Residence for the city, to spark opportunities at the intersection of entrepreneurship, manufacturing, and design.

Peter Lunenfeld Krisztina 'Z' Holly


Everyone arrives and checks-in, small talk over beer and wine.


Introduction, conversation with our guests, and a Q&A to follow.


Follow up with guests, mingle, and more beer and wine.


Jasmine Safaeian

YouTube Space LA

YouTube Space LA
12422 W Bluff Creek Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90094

Get Directions
YouTube Space LA, a state of the art production facility in Los Angeles, CA, designed specifically for YouTube creators to produce original digital video content, from production and editing through uploading to YouTube. YouTube Space LA serves as a creative production facility for both established and emerging YouTube creators who are part of the YouTube partner program.
YouTube Space 1 YouTube Space 2

Technology is woven into the cultural fabric of the 21st century metropolis, Los Angeles is no exception. We’re a city of cross disciplinary creators who view technology as part of and essential to the creative process.

localhost.us brings together creators, educators, and technologists for a night of conversation, drinks, and inspiration. We’ll hope you join us.

people silhouette tennis match